In our previous article, we explained the nature of Karmas, based on periods of existence. In this article (continued), we explain the nature of Karmas, based on the nature of inherence.
Based on the nature of inherence, Karmas can be classified into 3 types:
1. Sattvic Karmas: These are the Karmas that enable us to transcend spiritually & pacify Lord Vishnu. As given in Vishnusahasranama:, Lord Vishnu is referred to Satt. Sattvic Karmas are the ones, which relieve us from the continuous cycle of this death & rebirth. Sattvic Karmas are also referred to as Satt Karmas.
Higher Satt or Sattvic Karmas we do, better would be our spiritual progress.
Sattvic Karmas does good to the universe, without harming anyone including Mother Nature. Sattvic Karmas ensure, what we call as the 'common good.'
Sattvic deeds seems very difficult to do at the beginning but in the end, they give eternal bliss. 'Sattvic nature' is characterised by sensual control and righteousness.
Ex.- Practicing Meditation, being of service to others.
Thinking good for others is also a Sattvic Karma. This will be returned back to you with interest. However, stop expecting! Keep thinking good, keep doing good!!

Broadly speaking, any deed that serves the universe, pacifies Lord Vishnu & demi-gods, assists the one in spiritual transcendence and in attaining nirvana is considered to be a Sattvic Karma.
To attain Nirvana, one must develop Sattvic habits and do more Sattvic Karmas!
Metaphysically speaking, Satt Karmas represent & attract positive energy or doing Satt Karmas increases your positive vibrations, it strengthens your Aura, in turn, it increases all the types of health - Physical, Mental, Emotional & Spiritual Healths.
2. Rajasic Karma: People generally refer to Good or Bad deeds, but these are at the extreme ends, there's something in between these two that's Rajasic or Rajasa Karma. Rajasic nature is characterised by HEDONISM.
Rajasic Karmas refer to those deeds that are done with the intention of satisfying our sensual pleasures, as opposed to Sattvic Karmas. Rajasic Karmas doesn't incur us sins, but if we continuously do it & exceed the limit it could turn into sins or Tamasic Karmas.
There's thin line of gap between Rajasic Karmas & Tamasic Karmas!
Ex.- It's OK to watch movie once in a while, if you do it every day without doing any other work, we are violating our duties. It becomes a sin or turns Tamasic.
That's why we should be conscious of what we do. Rajasic Karmas will be very exciting in the beginning, but after some time or at the end you get bored of it & realize it produces the same results.
Albert Einstein says:
"Insanity is doing the same things again & again, expecting different results."
In Bhagavatha sage Vedavyasa (an incarnation of Lord Vishnu) says:
"You don't have to work too hard just to enjoy sensual pleasures, even swines enjoy them. Instead perform penance this purifies your existence & you will reach my abode (Salvation)"
Metaphysically speaking, Rajasic Karmas doesn't attract neither positive nor negative energy, but still, you lose some positive energy, as resultant of putting efforts to enjoy sensual pleasures.
3. Tamasic Karma: These are Karmas that are harmful to us and also harmful to the universe. Tamas is a Sanskrit word which means 'Darkness.' Tamasic Karmas right from the inception, till end it creates delusion and results in grave sufferings. It has tragic consequences and results in spiritual descendance. All sorts of evil deeds come under the umbrella of Tamasic Karmas.
The Divine Law of Karma governs the Universes, it's beyond human conception and horizons. We may try to understand it under the guidance of scriptures & Guru, but still large parts of it are unknown.
We enjoy because of Sattvic Karmas & suffer because of Tamasic Karmas. But to attain Nirvana, there shouldn't be any Karmas at all.
Metaphysically speaking, Tamasic Karmas attracts negative energy. They weaken the aura and degrades one's health. It's causes spiritual descendance. Any person who wants to attain Nirvana, can't afford for Tamasic or evil deeds. Any evil deed can be taken as an example of Tamasic deed.

Karma Vs Sanskaras.
Buddha beautifully defines Sanskaras:
'What we repeatedly do is what constitutes sanskaras.'
Sanskaras are stains of Karma that are left behind even after writing off Karmas. We
have carried over from our millions of incarnations or past lives. We also pick up sanskaras from the environment, we are born in. Parents play a pivotal in making the child pick up sanskaras. Then comes the friends, teachers & so on.
Karmas get written off in the process of death and rebirth, but irony is Sanskaras won't. That's one of the reasons why we repeat the same karmas. As we repeatedly do the same Karmas, more Karmas get accredited to our account. Sanskaras can be classified again as Sattvic, Rajasic & Tamasic sanskaras. Sanskaras are the daily habits.
The person who wants to attain Nirvana, essentially needs to develop Sattvic or Good sanskaras.
Mindfulness meditation is one of the best ways to write off Sanskaras. It's observed that Mindfulness conjures up all the old previous incarnations thoughts, karmas, sanskaras. It nullifies bad sanskaras & only the relevant sanskaras are kept active. The other way is to develop sattvic sanskaras.
As we write off Sanskaras & replace with sattvic sanskaras, easier it becomes for us to be more detached from worldly affairs, attain Nirvana, ultimately.
Hope this inspires you!
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