It's not Hinduism, these 'isms’ represent religions. It's Sanatana Dharma: This is not a religion,.this is actually a science beyond science. Maybe you can call 'The Divine Science’. Sanatana Dharma can be used analogously with 'Spirituality.' We study philosophies of all religions, analyze their positives & negatives, then we also study our Gurus interpretation of Vedas. Ex.- Sriman Nyaya-Sudha Grantha: or scriptures gives an in-depth knowledge of various philosophies, which essentially include Abrahamic philosophies, Buddhism, Jainism & so on. We encourage the study of all philosophies with an objective mindset, for inner spiritual growth. This is not the case with religions.
Sanatana Dharma doesn't qualify to be a religion, why? Religions basically are based on beliefs, where a messenger or messiah impose his beliefs on you. All the believers are made to believe in what's written or propounded in the books. To discourage or cripple the questioning ability of the believer, religion imposes BLASPHEMY laws. This is not the case with Sanatana Dharma, this seeks proof from Vedas.
Dharakatvaat Iti Dharma:
Dharma is the thing that's created to bear the creation of God.
Whatever the philosophy, the philosopher is trying to propound, that philosophy has to be proved in the form of texts or stanzas from Vedas. There'll be quite a lot of challenges to approve a philosophy. Apart from the Vedic proofs, your philosophy is also validated in the light of various shastras like Nyaya-shastra (justice related scriptures), Tarka-shastra (logic), Vyakarana Shastra (grammar) so on.
Apoureshaya: Vedaa:
Vedas aren't written by any person. They have existed since times immemorial. Santana means, eternal or that has existed since times immemorial. Vedas are also known as 'Shruti'.

Many people have a common misconception about Vedas that they are books. A big No!!
Think of Vedas as the infinite, eternal & only source of wisdom. This wisdom was passed on from generations to generations, since times immemorial. Ancient people had such a sharp memory, they were remembering all the stanzas from numerous books, without forgetting them. Some Vedic stanzas are received by Rishis from the divine, in deep meditative state or in Tapas. Ex. - Gayatri Mantra was received by sage Vishwamitra, in deep tapas.
There are instances where all the wisdom was passed on by Gurus to their proteges in one shot, in the form of energy, alike you transfer data to your pen-drive. This could happen only when you earn the grace of Guru.
This is supported by -
Anantha Vai Vedaa:
Meaning - Vedas are infinite (source of knowledge).
Sanatana Dharma: is based on Vedas. Vedas are segregated into four parts by Bhagwan Vedavyasa (believed to be an avatar of Lord Vishnu) — Rig, Yajur, Sama & Atharva. Each Veda has 4 parts — Samhita, Aranyaka, Brahmana & Upanishath or Vedanta. Upanishaths are the last part of Vedas, as per chronology.
Samhita is a structured combination of verses or texts. From the root words, 'sam' means “correct” and “proper,” and 'hita' means “arranged” or “wholesome.”
Aranyaka comes from the Sanskrit root word, 'aranya', meaning “forest.” This is because they were intended as texts to be read and studied by ascetics, or rishis, who had retreated to the solitude of the forest to deepen their contemplation and meditative practices. The Aranyakas are a set of texts that form part of the Vedas, which are ancient Indian and yogic philosophical literature. The Aranyakas explain the philosophy behind the ritual sacrifice sections of the Vedas.
Brahmanas are the prose texts which explain the hymns in the Vedas, give explanation and applications and related stories of their origin. They also have some stories related to the certain persons related to the Vedic Text.
Upanishad is a Sanskrit word that translates in English to mean “sitting at the feet of” or “sitting down near." This illustrates the position of receiving wisdom and guidance humbly from a teacher or guru.
Here are the names of 10 prominent names of Upanishads-
Isha, Kena, Katha, Prashan, Mundaka, Mandukya, Tattiriya, Aitareya, Chhandogya and Brihadaranyaka.
Sri Bhagwan Vyasa (Badarayana or Krishna Dwaipayana), the Guru of Jaimini is the author of the Brahma Sutras (aphorisms), otherwise known as Vedanta Sutras. The study of Brahma Sutras is a synthetic study of the Upanishads. There are about 555 Brahma Sutras or Aphorisms.
Totally Sanatana Dharma can be represented 7 (saptha) Mathrukas or the original texts or the texts which Tatva Vadis or philosophers provide proofs from vedas. They are 4 vedas (as mentioned before), Mahabharata, Moola Ramayana, Pancha- Ratragama Puranas which includes Bhagavata, Skanda Purana, Vishnu Purana, Shiva Purana so on.
Moola Ramayana is unavailable now, the scripture is lost. If at all we need to study Ramayana, only Valmiki Ramayana is available. The one needs to be grateful to Sage Valmiki.
Hope this inspires you!!
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