Better is one’s own duty & purpose, even with little imperfections, than the duty of another that's well performed. Better is death in the doing of one’s own duty; the duty of another is fraught with peril.
Sanskrit Shloka:
Shreyaan swadharmo vigunaha paradharmaat swanushthitaat swadharme nidhanam shreyah paradharmo bhayaavahaha // 3.35 //
This is a stanza in chapter-2, part-II in Bhagavad-Gita, which justifies that even if you die while following your intuitive purpose & duties even with minor imperfections, it’s always better to you than anything else, because you’ll die happily without regrets. I'm sorry to be so dramatic but I know it's quite true. Well as per the vedic philosophy death is indeed birth, any person who dies will be reborn. Our soul is eternal & it remains same throughout its journey. Only our physical bodies change like how we change our dresses. Each one of us are aware that death is certain likewise birth is also certain & it is inevitable as long as we don't attain 'Nirvana.' Most humans in their death beds have regrets about their life, Job related regrets is the most common among them. ‘Dharma’ means 'the purpose of life'. Also ‘Dharma’ means duty & righteousness. Righteousness means the duties which enable us to grow spiritually & gives us a state of wellbeing in this mortal world. The word ’swadharma’ means the purpose & duties that’s unique to every individual. ‘swadharma’ also means intuition. Every human is unique, so his purposes & intuitions.

This is known as 'Apoureshaya Vakhya' or the it's a statement given in vedas, as vedas are not written by anybody or 'Apourudheyaha'.
"Apourusheyaaha Vedaaha".
Bhagavad-gita has classified each soul into 4 varnas- Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vyshya & Shudras.
People have a misconception that varna is based out of birth. Actually, it's based on your soul. Vedic philosophy says that each one of us irrespective of our caste, religion, creed, race etc. can attain Nirvana if we follow our 'Swadharma' & by prudently exercising our divine duties.
Lord Krishna says that all human beings are his children & are equal. He loves his devotees, because the lord sees himself in his devotees. Lord doesn't discriminate between his children. In fact, it's for this reason he gave Bhagavad-Gita for the upliftment of all of his children.
This thought is justified even in Bible. Bible defines intuition as a gift from God, and, when we learn how to develop and strengthen it, intuition can help us steer clear of disastrous decisions and relationships. This has been confirmed in Genesis 1:27-
“So, God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; ‘male and female he created them.”
“Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary." - Steve Jobs

Pic credits: Google
People who are highly intuitive will be obsessed with their domain. We have specific personality of this type INFJ-A (as per Sigmund Freud's personality hierarchy). INFJ-A stands for Intuitive-Introverted-Feeling-Judgment. A stand for Advocate, Advocate INFJs are the rarest personalities. They comprise of only 1% of the population.
There's a lot of difference between passion and obsession. People who are passionate may try for once or twice and may back off from the task by getting discouraged. But, those who are obsessed can't live without it. It's like breathing to them. They hustle and persevere till their last breath. They give their sweat, blood and almost everything they have to get it done.
"The best example is a banker can't code software programs, professionally. Similarly, a lawyer can't operate accounts."
People tell that Steve Jobs, Einstein were passionate, wrong!! they were obsessed and were highly intuitive with their work. Obsession improves imagination, imagination enhances creative thinking, creativity in turn gives 'Success.'

You would’ve have heard about the saying – “Do what you love & Love what you do.” It says that we should do what we love (following our intuitive purpose). It also says that love what you do. In the sense, any work we do, after sometime creates boredom & monotony in us. But, if you quit then it doesn’t make any sense, it’ll be a total waste of time & efforts. At this point of time, we should follow the advice of “love what you do” by continuing the work or project undertaken by taking necessary measures.

The same has been advised by Mr. Steve Jobs-
“The only way to do great work is to love what you do.”
Practically, we can mitigate boredom & monotony in the workplace by inducing creativity & innovation with everything we do. At first, creativity should be introduced into routine & monotonous tasks.

Followed by other tasks. To make our jobs more interesting we can learn some new procedures, new works, tips & tricks to make our jobs easy & by helping others in our free time. We should remember; 'Mountains are climbed from small steps.' Start 'small' and it will end 'Big'.
Helping others in our free time creates a sense of joy within us, which will be beneficial to us & to the organization. It also creates good reputation in the workplace. Helping or coaching new joiners or our peers also helps us to enhance our proficiency in the job or work we do. It clears off the ambiguity in our concepts.
Innovation is the end-product of imagination. Knowledge is limited & it may take you from A to B. But, imagination encircles the world. Imagination is more important than knowledge.
This is supported by the following quotes by Dr. Albert Einstein-

pic credit- Googe images.
Just following intuition(talent) isn’t going to solve the problem. Let us be pragmatic with this! you may be really talented & knowledgeable in a domain but it’s never a substitute to persistent efforts & innovation. It’s what you do with the talent. It is referred to as 'attitude'. Talent may open the 1st or 2nd door of success in a domain, but it’ll never open the last door. Just possessing talent can't get you success. Talent that's devoid of good attitude & work ethics won't make any difference to you & to the world.
Also, knowledge without application is not at all a knowledge. As rightly quoted by Christopher Crawford, Hemel Hempstead-

pic credits: google
You may have considerable knowledge & talent in a subject but, if don’t improve & update it, it’ll not be useful for a long time. Even a Nobel laureate updates his knowledge in the domain constantly. In this era of constant innovation, every knowledge or skill require updates. Otherwise, it'll become obsolete. Mr. Warren Buffet, chairman of Berkshire Hathaway inc. reads at least 500 pages a day. In 7 habits of successful people by Stephen Covey, reading (updating knowledge) is one of the habits of successful people. This indicates the importance of knowledge, improvement & innovation.

To conclude, any talent or intuition requires Obsession, constant effort & improvement. We need to set goals & develop systems to achieve it. You’ve to be willing to work really hard for your dream mission.
Ultimately, Success requires patience, courage, optimism, perseverance, innovation & hard work. We may have to sacrifice almost everything to achieve success in any domain. we may experience failures, setbacks, frustrations but it's the continued efforts that'll make all the difference.

Pic credits- Brainy Quotes

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